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community health center中文是什么意思

用"community health center"造句"community health center"怎么读"community health center" in a sentence


  • 社区卫生中心


  • Problems existing in community health center carrying out two - way referral and countermeasures
  • The developing trend and strategy consideration on the reform of personnel system in community health center
  • The charles b . wang community health center held a press conference at ccba to announce information of an educational seminar on january 9 , 2007
  • The charles b . wang community health center held an educational seminar at ccba , to introduce information related to trans fat
  • Shenzhen ' s community health center network will be expanded to cover all the residential communities in the city by the end of this year , according to the municipal government ' s 2007 work agenda on public health released monday
  • It is used in medical hospitals , rehabilitation centers , mental health facilities , day treatment centers , nursing homes , schools , homeless shelters , correctional facilities , drug abuse clinics , suicide prevention centers , community health centers , schools for the disabled , and art centers
  • I ask congress to move forward on a comprehensive health care agenda with tax credits to help low - income workers buy insurance , a community health center in every poor country , improved information technology to prevent medical error and needless costs , association health plans for small businesses and their employees - - ( applause ) - - expanded health savings accounts - - ( applause ) - - and medical liability reform that will reduce health care costs and make sure patients have the doctors and care they need
用"community health center"造句  
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